
Support us with CookieBot Premium! Once you buy CookieBot Premium, you can use premium features on all your servers :)

How do I buy CookieBot Premium?

Simply click on CookieBot within Discord to view its profile. You have the option to upgrade your plan there.

Purchase CookieBotPremium if you like CookieBot and want to support our development team :)

  • It's important to us that major features can be used completely for free

  • CookieBot will never ask you to vote in order to use any feature

What do I get?

CookieBot Premium includes the following features:

  • 📊 Custom Stats: Choose custom time periods and colors for your rank cards

  • 🖼️ Custom Banner: Use a custom background or font for your server banner

  • 🎫 Premium Tickets: Create ticket categories that can only be used by certain roles

  • 💻 Premium Support: Earn a special role on our Discord Server and get Premium Support if you run into any issues

  • 🔗 API Access: With our Premium API, you can access CookieBot stats and use them in your own services

  • 🚀 Increase Limits: Did you encounter any limits? Remove almost all of them with CookieBot Premium!

Last updated